
Monday, August 3, 2020

Educated Politicians Needed Asap

                    As the entire world is ravished by Covid we suddenly realized just how important it is for those in democratic societies to have educated electives who are expected to act in the best interest on our behalf. Now by educated I am not talking about academia because holding  a degree does not make one rational at times. This is quite visible as we are seeing play out before our very eyes on the world stage.
                    When I say educate here I mean people who are elected by the people who listen to Scientists as well as try to learn from others with experience and have knowledgeable people around them to act as guides. But in many parts of the world we see quite the opposite,some politicians have deem the virus to be a hoax, even though thousands have died and are still dieing. Some countries refused to shut down and only did so reluctantly when the virus started to spread rapidly.

           In other instances some countries even though they closed their borders reopened some parts too soon and now Covid is on the rise. The question I ask is why in a democracy do we keep electing these politicians who are incompetent to represent the people. In Brazil the leader ignored the people's outcry with  taking the virus seriously and even though he has contracted the virus it doesn't seem as if there has been any changes there in terms of planning on how to bring down the numbers. Boris Johnson Uk's Prime Minister also was down playing the virus by being out and around in public and he too contracted it.

             When he came out of the hospital he was saying something different of course and he thank the hospital staff profusely for how he was treated. America takes the prize as they lead the world in both cases and deaths.After all Trump did campaign on making America great again. Americans are heading into an uphill battle as they try to keep safe and also balance their finances.

             This is made twice as hard as the country is lead by someone who doesn't care, cannot empathize with the country, doesn't believe in Science and is still hoping that one day the virus will go away. And there are many other politicians like Trump who only want the economy to open but there is no concern for the people who elected them as to how will they keep their constituents safe. Schools are ordered to reopen but what is the plan? Republicans refuse to pass a bill to help Americans through a few more months to pay their bills. What a world we live in.
           In Canada the Education minister has state that schools will reopen in September. High school students will be in school alternative days but Elementary students will be in school all week at maximum capacity. Who are these clueless politicians who just do not get it. I am still waiting on what is the plan for the school system. I guess when a few teachers die then they will get it.

            This has made me realize that while I definitely value freedom and cannot imagine living under a totalitarian regime we in democracy governments need to kick our pathetic politicians who will not work on our behalf. Stop electing the ones who are bloody loud with no substance, those who make promises that will never be delivered and for god sake do not elect failed bankrupt and corrupt business people to represent your issues in parliament.

      The world is going through a serious crisis. Climate conditions threatens our human existence but yet we have politicians who think otherwise. Crime in some regions is an existential threat in many countries, racism continues to raise its ugly head. The threat of Nuclear power hangs on a thread but leaders across the world just do not have answers and in some cases other countries relied on America which has been absent in leading the world for the last three and half years.

           It is my opinion that countries and the electorate should start to vet politicians more seriously. We need Political Literacy. Politicians need to come from the people. How the hell do you think someone who has been spoon fed and live a certain life is going to ever understand the plight of the working class.

    Also if you only have the same type of people in parliament then who fights on your behalf. Prime example is in America in the Republican party where its a majority of old white men who are out of touch and could not care less about the unfortunate.So who is defending the minority, women, the disabled, the poor, and those who are different.

          Educated Politicians are badly needed for the people. Politicians who can unite a country when it is needed. While not knowing everything but can be guided by research. Politicians who can fit into all walks of life and stand with its people but most of all govern all its people.Not just who voted for their party. Politicians who wont be perfect all the time but decent and abide and uphold the rule of law.

          Lets not give up on this planet we call earth. Even if not for this generation but wherever you are and which ever country you are in let us start thinking a different way in how we elect those we expect to serve.




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