
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas here and Gone

My how time has changed. I asked my students what will they be doing for the holidays and what they wanted. It was all about toys and games. I marvel at how parents seem to say they cannot afford anything to do with education, yet they seem all too happy to get their children games,latest gadgets and games.

We are raising a generation that no longer reads,run or play outside. A generation that could not care less about anyone else. It is sad indeed. I reminded my students that Christmas was a time of sharing and giving not just getting. Of couse most of them looked  at me as if I was crazy. I cannot say I blame them because if their parents are not instilling these traits in them then why would they be interested.

It saddens me how time has change and it seems as if we keep slipping further away from what was considered the norm,families reading,sharing together. Everything now is centered around gadgets and technology which seems to divide us and push us further as everyone's head and eyes are glued to a phone,ipod or some gadget.

What do you think?, is this normal or am I just an old school teacher stuck in the past.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Parents Of Today

 The more I teach the more I am concern about our present day parents. It seems as if morals and values of yesterday and times gone by have flown out the window. I see a genereation of parents who themselves need to be parented. We have a present day genereation that cannot think for themselves and it seems to  easier to give up than even making an effort.

It's a quick fix generation that wants everything done instantly. If something is not before them in black and white they cannot think for themselves much less out of the box. Which world are these children going to be living in the next few years.Parents have become a set of whiners and they seem to think they and their children are entitiled to every and anything.

This generation is living in a bubble and they complain about every damn thing and soon as challenges arise it's easy to committ suicide than work through problems.

My questions to educational institutions are, are we here to sugar coat the realities of life or be bold in telling parents that the resposibilites lie with them to train and groom their child for the world that exist tomorrow and beyond. I am sick and tired of North America not addressing the 'White Elephant' in the room. Parents are the real problems of children today. There are parents who think their children are some kind of trophy. They cannot discipline them,control them, but yet they expect teachers to give into every demand their children make.

I have said it a thousand times,we are not growing children but adults for tomorrow. If we do not discipline and train our children today how will they become effective citizens for tomorrow.

Think about it.