
Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 Goals

 What are your resolutions for this year? Quite frankly I tend to not set resolutions,but rather  tend to make short and long term goals. What is it that you have been meaning to do,but just has not gotten around to it. Now is the time to take action. Don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Start with small steps breaking down what is it that you need. Wishing and hoping won't get you what you want.

Take charge of your own life. Don't wait on someone to make you happy or to give you what you want. This year I decided that I am taking matters into my own hands where my job is concerned. Complaining about it will not help so I have started putting plans in place to get me to where I want to go. Write down what is it that you want. Make a note to know the differences between what you want and need. Then go after what is it that you need to change. It will not happen in a day but one step at a time will get you closer to where you want to go or what you need to change.

 There is no need to set resolutions each year, instead set goals for your life, and continue to assess your goals. When you have achieved one goal mark it off and move on to the next one. Continue to reinvent yourself each year. We are living in a global digital world. Things are changing much more rapidly than what our parents knew of it in years gone. Challenge yourself to stay in touch and in tune with what is going on. Never rely on anyone or any job to complete you. The time is right now. Do not let 2013 pass and you have not  started on your own goals.

Create your own destiny, make your own happiness. Determine the life you want and get going on getting it. Live the life you love, and love the life you live.

Life is VERY short so enjoy it while you are healthy!

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