
Saturday, December 15, 2012

What is Next ?

 Anyone who did not hear about the shooting yesterday at the kindergarten school in the United States would not have to be on the planet. This comes right on the heels right after a few weeks where there was a shooting at the mall. The thing with the United States is that this will be mourn until the dead are buried and then everyone except for those who suffered will go to their usual lives. How many more will have to suffer or die before America realizes that there is a problem with how their citizens have access to guns.

 Those committing these crimes get younger with each  tragedy. It is quite clear and speaks to what I have been saying that  we have a generation that has no coping skills. The question remains as to what could have caused this young man to snap? Better yet why did this parent have guns in the home? As I listened to the many reports about the community being one of peace and harmony. I had to laugh inside, because what a shallow world we are living. What equates peace? What seems as peace on the outside is raging battle on the inside. How many homes in middle class America are raging war on the inside but yet  appear as if all is well on the outside. Simple put we live in this false world where everyone has set false ideals for themselves. Too many persons are hooked on Hollywood, and current 21st parents have way too many falseexpectations for their children.

  Who will reach out to these parents who have lost their children,and what can be said. No words or compensation can account for this great loss. Also while the news sensationalize this and we think about the victims,let's not forget about the perpetrator's family. The news is very insensitive in how it goes about to report news. What about this young man who used his brother's id which was broadcast around the world,not to mention this innocent young man being dragged off  to jail handcuff. How will this young man hold his head up? What about his father who was so emotional that he was unable to talk, yet insensitive reporters couldn't understand why this man would be reluctant to comment having just lost his wife and son.

Yes, while we think about the victims let's also focus on the family of this young man whom had nothing to with this horrific act. So I ask the question again, what next? Will this be swept under carpet like all the others until another shooting. I somehow feel that this is not the last of shootings, so when will policy makers start talking.

Let's See!

Your comments.  

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