
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Generation in Crisis

 I am quite concerned about our preasent generation but more so the parents raising them. It becomes more and more blatant as we move further into the 21st century that parents themself need parenting. Let me share with you two incidents I experienced all in one week. I tutor with an agency twice per week after school. One of my parent's student suggested she wanted another tutor for her child. She told me not because I had done anything wrong in fact her daughter has done very well under my instruction,however her daughter finds me too strict. Now I have no problem with this.But are parents giving in to their children too easily. I am strict because this student wants to put her feet up on the desk,chew gum and do as she pleases. I will not allow it. Here is an 11 year old who can neither read or write properly but moms interested in her having her own way.

My next experience was at the small private school that I teach. I took the students to gym on Friday and had to speak to a particular student on the way to gym. At gym this same student continued to trip other students and clown around,so I told him to sit out gym for ten minutes and when he got back he was going to the principal.When we got back to the school this same student saw his mom outside and ran to her in tears, he had none when he was being repremanded at gym. His mom ran up to me screaming why did I have her son sit out gym for tripping on his lace. I quietly told her to follow me to the principal's office where it will be discussed further.

We all went to the principal and the principal also asked a few students what happened. The student in question at first said he couldn't remember,when the principal got firm he then said he was scared so he lied. I saw the mother's face change colour but she never apologised.
What sort of generation are we growing? A generation that is not being allowed to take resposibility for their actions. A generation where parents seem too afarid to stand up to their children and tell them when they are wrong.
How then will this generation take over leadership roles?

I would further like to hear others comment on this especially parents and teachers.

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